As of 6 April 2012, RIDDOR’s over-three-day injury reporting requirement has changed. The trigger point has increased from over three days’ to over seven days’ incapacitation (not counting the day on which the accident happened).
Incapacitation means that the worker is absent or is unable to do work that they would reasonably be expected to do as part of their normal work.
Employers and others with responsibilities under RIDDOR must still keep a record of all over-three day-injuries – if the employer has to keep an accident book, then this record will be enough.
The deadline by which the over-seven-day injury must be reported has also increased to fifteen days from the day of the accident.
A new leaflet Reporting accidents and incidents at work explains the change
This publication is a detailed guide to The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).
This edition provides information about the updated Regulations, which will, subject to parliamentary approval, come into force from 6 April 2012.
As from this date, the period of incapacitation will increase from more than three days to more than seven days before the occupational accident or injury, which leads to the incapacitation of a worker, has to be reported.
Employers and those responsible for health and safety will also be required to send the report within 15 days of the accident.
Employers and others with responsibilities under RIDDOR must still keep a record of all over-three-day injuries – if the employer has to keep an accident book, this record will be enough.
This guidance also provides details about keeping records. Records need to be kept for at least three years after an occupational accident or injury. It also includes information about new online reporting arrangements.
You can pre-order or download the new guidance, which will come into effect in April.
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Legislation, Reportable diseases, RIDDOR, Accidents, Over 3-day injuries, Injuries, Regs
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- Free pdf download available
- Download the third edition of L73, which will apply until 5 April 2012
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